Chapter 1: Limiting the difference between your daily calorie consumption and daily calorie needs
Chapter 2: Burning off calories in place of calorie-restrictive diets
Chapter 3: Targeting fat loss in place of indiscriminate weight loss
Chapter 4: Monitoring changes in your body fat on a weekly basis
Chapter 5: Avoid juggling fat loss with lean gains
Chapter 6: Adopting the mind-set and approach of a whole new lifestyle
Chapter 7: The Holy Trinity of Health and Fitness
Chapter 8: Making careful plans before you begin your program, and ensuring the meticulous counting of calories informs those plans
Chapter 9: Optimising your macronutrient ratio
Chapter 10: Avoiding processed foods, high-fat foods, saturated fats and sugars
Chapter 11: Optimum daily meal frequencies
Chapter 12: Tapering your calories
Chapter 13: Avoiding late-night eating
Chapter 14: The myth of dietary supplements
Chapter 15: Setting clearly defined, numerical goals
Chapter 16: The progress chart
Chapter 17: Positive thinking
Chapter 18: Setting big goals
Chapter 19: Setting realistic deadlines
Chapter 2o: Short and long-term goals
Chapter 21: Outperforming previous personal bests
Chapter 22: Emotionalising all your goals
Chapter 23: Avoiding conflicting goals
Chapter 24: Banishing self-doubt and reading your goals with conviction
Chapter 25: The power of visualisation
Chapter 26: Good habits for life
Chapter 27: Cheat meals
Chapter 28: Staying motivated by revisiting past glories
Chapter 29: The unending battle against entropy
Chapter 30: Replacing bad habits with good ones
Chapter 31: Gaining and maintaining lean weight
Chapter 32: Favouring increased activity over calorie-restrictive diets
Chapter 33: Quantifying your goals and using numerical targets
Chapter 34: The health benefits of low body fat
Chapter 35: Dividing your weight into its lean and fat constituents and monitoring changes
Chapter 36: Calculating your target weight when your immediate goal is fat loss
Chapter 37: Interpreting the results from your progress chart as feedback, never failure
Chapter 38: Utilising the tried-and-tested methods that work
Chapter 39: Time for action
Chapter 40: Reacting to negative results with suitable alterations to your health and fitness program and developing your own unique approach
Chapter 41: Overcoming the inertia of an unhealthy lifestyle
Chapter 42: Breaking through fat loss plateaus
Chapter 43: Avoiding dieting and training adaptations
Chapter 44: Creating your calorie deficits through increased activity
Chapter 45: The importance of aerobic exercise
Chapter 46: Adjusting your approach through regular feedback
Chapter 47: Letting your results dictate your approach
Chapter 48: Evolving your own personal formula for success
Chapter 49: Becoming a morning person
Chapter 50: Defying your more ill-disposed genetic predispositions
Appendix Contents
I: The mind-body dichotomy: A philosophical digression (this essay is still available to read as an ‘Afterword to the Introduction’ on the main page of my Health and Fitness Blog)
II: A diatribe on advertising, consumerism and cultural conformity (addendum to Chapter 14, and still available to read on this site)
III: A new perspective on failure – effort vs. results (addendum to Chapter 37, and still available to read on this site)
IV: Calculating your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and Daily Calorie Requirement (DCR)
V: Progress Chart template
VI: Optimum daily meal plan examples
VII: Interpreting your progress chart and adjusting your approach
VIII: Improving your food choices
IX: A list of healthy foods sorted by food group
X: Selection chart for carbohydrates
XI: Calorie and macronutrient look-up chart
XII: Charts for converting skinfold measurements in millimetres to body fat percentages (men and women)