Welcome to the Puzzles section of my blog. I will be posting puzzles in sets of 3-5 and usually in ascending order of difficulty to allow you to warm up properly. However, I think I will refrain from posting anything too challenging for the foreseeable future in case I drive away any of you too soon.
Although the answers will be displayed at the end of each post, I sincerely hope you will spend a little time trying to figure out the answers for yourself first. After all, it’s during the struggle to find a solution that your brain will receive most of its benefits by way of exercise.
Some of you might like to commit one or two of these brain-teasers to memory to ponder as you go about your day, returning later to double check your answers or just to put yourself out of your misery! Either way, I hope you’ll be intellectually stimulated and entertained by these puzzles more than you will be frustrated in your attempts to solve them.
Although the wording of some of the puzzles may mislead those of you not already on high alert, cognitively speaking, none of the puzzles posted will ever involve “impossible to solve” questions of any kind. I can assure you they are all very much soluble if you apply a degree of deductive reasoning, lateral thinking or some combination thereof.
So without further ado, please proceed to the sequentially numbered list of posts I have included within the ‘Puzzles, Brain Teasers and Maths Problems’ category… and to stay mentally fit and sharp, make sure you bookmark and visit this section of my blog page as often as you can to keep up with new posts.